1 PowWow BoardGames - [ 2 Delete the current game? 3 The current cards will be destroyed before continuing 4 The current dominoes will be destroyed before continuing 5 BoardGames 6 Arial 7 B A R 8 Unable to mix up the dominoes.\n\nEnlarge the Games window and try again. 9 Window too small! 10 by 11 PowWow 12 Connections to all GamePlayers are lost 13 PowWow has exited 14 PW_PlugIn 15 PlugIn_Quitter 16 PlugIn_Joiner 17 PlugIn_DataReceive 18 PlugIn_SessionStatus 19 PlugIn_Text 20 PlugIn_Viewer 21 has joined the game. 22 BoardGames has a limit of 16 players 23 Maximum Participants Reached 24 BGAMES:%d 25 PW_PlugIn 26 This application is a PlugIn for PowWow.\nPlease start up PowWow and run BoardGames again.\n\nIf PowWow is already running, it is an older version that does not support PlugIns. 27 PowWow not Responding to PlugIn 28 PlugIn_InitID 29 DDE Could Not Initialize 30 DDE Failure 31 PlugIn_DataSend 32 PlugIn_NewSession 33 PlugIn_JoinSession 34 PlugIn_ViewSession 35 PlugIn_SessionStatus 36 *.bmp 37 Select 50x70 pixel CardBack BMP image 38 Select 38x78 pixel DominoeBack BMP image 39 Only six of each kind of die can be created 40 Maximum Dice Exceeded 41 You have to create at least one die 42 No dice 43 Waiting for the game to begin 44 Quit this Game ? 45 Cancel now will quit 46 GamesPlayer Window 47 's hand 48 has quit the game 49 PowWow BoardGames 50 My CheckerGame 51 My BackgammonGame 52 My ChessGame 53 My CardGame 54 My DominoeGame 55 My DiceGame 57 as a Viewer 58 (Viewer) 59 PlugIn_DataSendIndividual 60 A Bitmap filename specified for use on a DominoeBack:\n%s\nis not valid. Check to be sure any DominoeBack images are in the BoardGames Folder. 61 Unable to open Bitmap 62 A Bitmap filename specified for use on a CardBack:\n%s\nis not valid. Check to be sure any CardBack images are in the BoardGames Folder. 63 Invalid Game Name 64 Game Names must be at least 1 character. 65 Reset All GamePieces? 66 Everything will be reset.\n\nSetup all game pieces for Play? 67 Incorrect BMP Dimensions 68 Bitmaps used for CardBacks should be 50 pixels wide and 70 pixels high. 69 Bitmaps used for DominoeBacks should be 38 pixels wide and 78 pixels high. 70 Courier New 100 Deck changed 101 Backgammon colors changed 102 Checkers colors changed 103 Dominoes changed 104 Chess colors changed 105 Dice changed 106 New cards created 107 New checker game created 108 New dominoes created 109 New chess game created 110 New backgammon game created 111 New dice created 112 Cards shuffled 113 Dominoes shuffled 114 Cards dealt 115 Cards fanned 116 Dominoes fanned 117 Cards flipped over 118 Dominoes flipped over 119 Cards rotated 120 Dominoes rotated 121 Cards cut 122 Cards sorted 123 Cards organized 124 Checkers setup for play 125 Dominoes fanned 126 Dominoes sorted 127 ChessPieces setup for play 128 ChessPiece overtaken 129 Cards moved to hand 130 Cards placed on table 131 Dice rolled 132 Window resized 133 has joined the game 134 has left the game 135 Dominoes moved to hand 136 All game objects deleted 137 ChessTimer reset 138 ChessTimer started 139 ChessTimer stopped 140 ChessTimer punched 141 ChessTimer mode changed 142 New ChessTimer created 143 ChessTimer removed 144 Dominoes placed on table 145 DominoeBack image changed 146 CardBack image changed 147 Checker UnKinged 148 Checker Kinged 300 bgames.htm 301 cards.htm 302 checkers.htm 303 chess.htm 304 backgamm.htm 305 dominoes.htm 306 dice.htm